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Gonge Mini Top

Gonge  |  SKU: 2899


The versatility of the Mini Top is endless!

As a Toddler begins to learn the art of balance and motor control, the Mini Top is a great versatile toy that will not only help them develop this skill, they'll develop their confidence too.

Let's take a look at how you can use the Mini Top:

  1. Lay your little Bambino in the Mini Top and gently rock them back and forth to soothe them.
  2. As your little one lays there you could also gently sway the Mini Top from side to side.
  3. As a toddler your little one might be able to sit comfortably in the Mini Top and rock and spin themselves gently. Initially they might need a little help to show them what to do, but they'll soon get the hang of it.

How does this help develop your little one's skills?

Having the ablity to control and centre when spun helps your little one's vestibular (balance, spatial and body awareness), proprioceptive (a sixth sense – of body position and movement), auditory (sound and hearing), and visual senses to all work as one – these fancy words are all labels for sensory systems in humans that take in information and stimulate the brain.

Through spinning this will help your little one find their centre so it enables them to balance easier.

* The Cushion isn't included and can be purchased here.


  • Suitable for Age
    12 Months - 4 Years

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