Our Blog

Welcome back to KidKraft
We're so excited to welcome back KidKraft, they're now able to despatch direct to you. Stock availability will be increasing so keep an eye out for your favourite lines coming...
Linda Ladley |
Your Baby's Learning to Reach
When your little one is around the age of 4 Months you may notice that they start trying to reach out and grab things. They might be reaching to grasp...
Linda Ladley |
Move House - New Bedroom - New Beds!
We recently moved... not only our business but our house too. Which meant our little ones got a new bed and bedroom. And, of course we had to try out...
Linda Ladley |
Gummee and Which!
I'm conscious that over the last few days you may have seen reports in the press regarding at least 2 products that we sell here at Junior Bambinos: The Gummee...
Linda Ladley |
Stamping Stamptastic!
If you've followed us on Instagram, you may have seen that we purchased 2 Stamptastic Stamps last year as our little Bambinos headed off to Nursery and Pre School.The process...
Linda Ladley |
Introducing Linda Ladley - Owner of Junior Bambinos
It's been a little while since I popped by and wrote an update for our site but thought it would be useful to share a little bit about me, so...
Linda Ladley |
Gummee Glove Teething Mitten
As our little girl aka Bambino Tester Jessica got to 11mths old we looked for products that would help her teething. Here we review the Gumme Glove which we loved.
Linda Ladley |