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Gummee Glove Teething Mitten

Gummee Glove Teething Mitten - Junior Bambinos

Linda Ladley |

So our little Bambino was around 11 months when I first took this picture.

She was teething and we'd just got back from our first holiday and whilst we'd had a lovely hols she was struggling with her teeth.

We knew about Gummee Glove but hadn't tried it and couldn't wait to see if it would help.

As soon as we put the glove on she moved her fist straight to her mouth. She was able to bite down on the teethers at either side - but she also found great comfort rubbing her gums on the top of the glove.

We often didn't need to put the glove on - we'd leave it around the house, she'd pick it up, pop her hand in and be chomping down on those teether sides.

We love'd the fact that...

  • The glove was just the right size and could be tightened or opened easily with the velcro strap
  • The Teethers at either side were thin enough that my little Bambino could bite them easily - I often find some teethers can be a bit bulky
  • I could wash it in the washer in it's protective bag

We loved the Gummee Glove - it worked for us and we wouldn't hesitate in recommending it. 

And as I always say... your the Mum / Dad / Grandparent you have to do what's best for you and your Bambino.. and find out what works for you.

Lind xx

Gummee Glove in Yello